Mackerels, carnivorous fishes that congregate in schools, are swift sport fishes found in tropical and temperate regions across the planet. They are characterized by their torpedo-shaped bodies, forked tail and finlets behind the dorsal and anal fins. These swimmers feed on crustaceans, fish eggs, mollusks and plankton, among others. There are various species of mackerel; they usually spawn in the spring along coastlines.
Fishers harvest mackerels by netting rather than angling, and you can find functional, affordable equipment at EatMyTackle.com. Because mackerels are delicious, they are widely consumed and make perfect baits for larger fishes. If you’ve just gathered fresh mackerels, here are five recipes to try for your family and friends.
Broiled Spanish Mackerel This quick and simple recipe by GAHSMOMX3 requires 6 fillets (3 ounce), ¼ cup olive oil, ½ teaspoon paprika, 12 slices of lemon, salt and ground black pepper. Start by preheating the oven's broiler and setting the oven rack 6 inches from the heat source. Grease a baking dish. Rub the mackerel fillets in olive oil and place them into the dish with skin side down. Use paprika, salt and pepper to season each slice, and the lemon to stay on top. Bake for about 5 to 7 minutes until the meat flakes, and serve.
Crispy-Skinned Mackerel With Asian-Inspired Dressing This sweet and spicy recipe by Jamie Oliver is done in 25 minutes and makes 4 servings. You need to prepare a couple of things though, including 4 x 170g mackerel (skin on, butterflied and pin-boned), sea salt, 1 mug of Basmati rice, 1 lemon, 1 spring onion, 2 sprigs of fresh coriander, 2 sprigs of fresh mint and 1 fresh red chili. For the sauce, you will be needing 1 clove of garlic, 1 cm ginger, 1 spring onion, 1 red chili, 2 limes, 2 sprigs of coriander, 4 tablespoons of sesame oil, 4 tablespoons of soy sauce, 2 teaspoons of runny honey and extra virgin olive oil. Begin by heating a griddle pan and preparing rice on another with 2 mugs of boiling water. Bring the latter to high heat and turn to low, leaving covered for about 7 to 8 minutes. Once the griddle pan is hot, add the mackerel skin-side down, sprinkle with salt and pepper and reduce to medium-high heat. Ingredients for the sauce are mixed in one bowl. The mackerel can be cooked in a total of 8 minutes.
Grilled Mackerel With Soy, Lime and Ginger This recipe by BBC Good Food needs 300g of mackerel, 100g jasmine rice, 4 spring onions and 1 red pepper. For the marinade, prepare 1 tablespoon low-sodium soy sauce, 1 lime juiced, small grated ginger, 1 garlic clove and 2 tablespoons of honey. Mix all marinade ingredients, pour them on the mackerel and leave for 30 minutes. Heat the grill and place the mackerel, skin-side up, for 5 minutes. Turn and grill for another 5 minutes, basting some more marinade.
These are just some of the many recipes you can do with mackerel, so go ahead and give them a try!