The deep blue sea is vast, beautiful and abundant with life, but it can also be terrifying and merciless at the event of violent natural conditions. Deep sea fishing, a variety of saltwater fishing, is practiced from a depth of at least 100 feet (30 meters), allowing anglers to catch swimmers like marlin, swordfish, tuna and even sharks. It is also known as big game fishing, offshore boat fishing and sport fishing.
The activity is often an exciting summer experience, but it does not go without risks. Hence, it is important to stay safe at all times by adhering to charter protocols, or if on one’s own, be adequately-prepared.
Where to Go For Deep Sea Fishing
There are plenty of ideal locations for deep sea fishing. Hawaii, for instance, is open all-year long for enthusiasts, and is home to species of marlin and tuna. The Bodega Bay in California has good king salmon; the Coast of Maine has large bluefin tunas; Sitka in Alaska provides the biggest halibuts and salmons; while Florida, as known to many, has some of the best spots for deep sea fishing such as the Daytona Beach and Miami.
How It’s Done
Fishing in deep waters is not an afternoon bath along the shore. As a starter, expect proximity to deep blue waters and a larger ecosystem underneath. On top of securing the vessel you need for the voyage, it is vital to assess your readiness and knowledge of the things you need for the activity. If you have fished before, you may have some knowledge about the appropriate equipment, gear and tools to use, such as those available at EatMyTackle.com. If you are a beginner, it is imperative to check out these items for you to have a quick overview of what you might be using once you are out in the open.
Most charter boat captains offer three types of fishing: (1) bottom fishing, (2) offshore fishing and (3) trolling. Bottom fishing is simple - one drops his line to the seafloor where the ideal preys are assumed to stay. It is a good way of catching amberjack, grouper, snapper and triggerfish, among others.
Offshore fishing, on the other hand, is dubbed to be the “most glamorous” type of fishing. This is because it requires anglers to head through deep ocean currents; fish caught by this method are generally large and fight really well before their surrender. Some include the black fin tuna, blue and white marlin and dolphin (not Flipper).
Meanwhile, trolling is said to be the most exciting as it requires the angler to move the bait near or at the top of the water. As you can picture, the prey is indeed, apparently “trolled,” and is sure to give a good fight. Fish caught this way include cobia, kingfish, mackerel, sailfish and wahoo.
Prepare for Emergencies
Aside from these fishing methods, anglers need to be prepared for motion sickness - a pretty common experience for novice fishermen. Medications are available to control this uneasy feeling, and they can be taken before boarding. Sunscreens, sunglasses and all other biological protection should be handy, so that you are ready in the event of an emergency.
Deep sea fishing is an exciting adventure that’s both fun and risky. Whether you’re a newbie or a pro, knowing what to prepare and how to manage are essential to ensure a worthwhile fishing experience.