Millions of people go saltwater fishing, and why not?
As it’s an enjoyable activity, whether by yourself or with friends. If it’s your first time to go saltwater fishing, having the proper gear is essential to attaining success. The good news is you don’t have to spend a lot of money and you can get all the equipment you need at Eat My Tackle . So here’s what you need to get started.
Fishing Rods
Fiberglass and graphite rods are the most common. Graphite costs a bit more than fiberglass but lasts longer, plus they’re easier to use and not as heavy. No matter what rod you use, wipe and rinse it after use so the saltwater doesn’t cause reel and rod corrosion.
Fishing Reels
Saltwater fishing reels have to be durable and can withstand the corrosive effects of the water. Your reel needs to simplify line casting, and it’s for this reason why spinning reels are ideal because you can cast them by a considerable distance without the wind affecting the results. The drawback is the line could get tangled up and be on the heavy side. Choose one that you can comfortably carry, and at the very least the reel should hold 100 yards. As far as material goes the best option is aluminum as it helps you control the line’s movement when you’re hauling a big fish in.
Fishing Line
A monofilament fishing line should do fine for a beginner as they are thin yet durable. You can stretch them without difficulty and even if it’s been on the reel for a while, it’s not going to maintain the shape of the reel when utilized.
Even the best monofilament lines wear down over time so for the best results you should replace it every six months or so. Some fishing lines are clear while others have color. A clear fishing line is invisible to the fish, but you might have a hard time seeing the line too, so try the colored lines too.
The Bait
The most popular saltwater fishing bait is shrimp, so it’s a good idea to have a few of them stored in a bucket of water. The size of the shrimp to be used depends on what type of fish you’re trying to catch: if it’s small fish, don’t use a very large shrimp because the fish cold just take small bites out of it without getting on the hook. If you don’t want to use shrimp, there’s cut bait (dead fish cut up into small pieces).
Fishing Hooks
Last but not the least is fishing hooks. For saltwater fishing the best hooks are those constructed from high carbon steel or stainless steel. As for the size it depends on what types of fish you’re going after: the smaller the fish mouth, the smaller the hook, and vice versa. The most commonly used hook sizes are from 8 to 14, and in that range you will find just about all the hooks you will need to catch whatever fish you have in mind.