Dangerous Saltwater Fish

It is said that only 5% of our oceans have been explored...

Leaving the rest out of our knowledge. When one realizes just how vast the deep sea is, it becomes fascinating and terrifying at the same time. Of course, such area is never empty, because anyone can safely bet that marine life is virtually everywhere - from the cutest turtles in Florida to the goblin sharks of the Marianas Trench.

And because the ocean is an ecosystem, survival mechanisms in the form of defensive and offensive systems are inherent in living forms that are part of it. On top of securing the right gear from EatMyTackle.com, anglers must be aware that some fishes are just off-limits, and here are some of them.


While barracudas are normally subjects of fishing, their appearance - which consists of injury-promising teeth - is enough to make anyone vigilant around them. The great barracuda, which goes by the scientific name Sphyraena barracuda, is particularly known to attack humans.

In 2014, a barracuda attack in Florida has been reported to be just as bad as a shark attack. The victim, then a 13-year-old boy, was bitten in the bicep and chest. His wounds required 17 stitches and 27 staples to heal.


Part of the scorpionfish family, lionfish are lovely to look at, but their sting has a powerful venom that can trigger a very painful sensation. They are commonly found in the Caribbean and eastern Atlantic.

It is important to note, however, that lionfish spines are only used in defense - these creatures do not attack unless they are threatened. Still, stings can occur even if the fish has died, so a little bit of extra care is necessary when handling them.


Despite their small size, stonefish are known to be among the most venomous fishes on the face of the planet. Its name comes from its camouflage appearance, which also allows it to hide perfectly among rock beds. One wrong step, therefore, can cost your life. Interestingly, these fishes can survive out of the water for 24 hours.

Last year, in the Philippines, a local tourist allegedly died from stepping on a stonefish. At the time of the incident, the victim reportedly verbalized, “I stepped on something and I'm having trouble breathing.”


The pufferfish is likewise among the most poisonous fishes known today, thriving in tropical and subtropical ocean waters. There are over 120 species of pufferfish recorded, and almost all of them contain tetrodotoxin - a deadly substance for humans that is 1,200 times more poisonous than cyanide. One pufferfish can kill 30 humans, and unfortunately, there is no known antidote.

Also in 2015, five Japanese men were poisoned after eating banned parts of the pufferfish. They eventually had difficulty in breathing and vomiting. The pufferfish’s liver, ovaries and skin are said to be toxic parts. Though it remains to be one of the country’s known causes of most food poisoning, it is still patronized, though regulations are said to be in place.

These are just some of the sea’s most dangerous fishes. Remember to keep an eye at all times!

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